Please read the following letter from Mrs. Moore with information about the outbreak of Coronavirus and how to prevent the spread of all viruses. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school.
Thank you....and WASH THOSE HANDS!!!
Leland Community Unit School District No. 1
February 27, 2020
RE: Coronavirus
A number of media articles have recently focused on concerns regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and I’d like to share the information we have received.
Yesterday, the IDPH published a news release titled “Illinois Taking Preventative Action to Limit Spread of Coronavirus. Current risk to Illinoisans remains low, but state taking all steps to prepare” available at
At Leland School, we subscribe to School Campus Situation Awareness, a part of the Statewide Terrorism & Intelligence Center, which provides monthly newsletters as well as specific announcements and resources as needed. Yesterday this source provided us with the following links which we can share with you:
- IDPH Coronavirus webpage at
- Information for Illinois K-12 Schools Regarding 2019 Novel Coronavirus at
- Guidance for Illinois Students Regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at
- Guidance for Illinois universities and colleges regarding 2019 Novel coronavirus at
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) will communicate with schools about individual situations as needed. In accordance with federal guidance, the IDPH recommends against travel to China. For those who have traveled, are currently in, or have to travel to mainland China, school attendance is prohibited for 14 days (excused) upon return. If any of these situations pertains to your family, please let us know.
As with any respiratory virus, protection includes:
- Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer should be used (but is not a substitute for hand washing)
- Avoid touching your face (specifically nose, eyes, and mouth) with unwashed hands
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Stay home when sick
- Cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue, and then throw the tissue in the trash
- Frequently clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
While we can stress these at school, please take some time to review these with your children. Teenagers are more likely to have increased contact with others through things such as extracurricular activities and socializing. This could be a good time to remind your high school and college age children the importance of routinely following steps to avoid contracting and spreading illnesses like respiratory viruses and illnesses resulting from bacteria such as strep throat.
If your child is sick, it is helpful to share the symptoms and/or diagnosis when calling in their absence. If we notice a pattern or have a concern or question, our practice is to contact our county health department. They will further advise us as needed.
Our district already has in place policy and procedures from the Illinois Association of Schools Board Policy Reference Education Subscription Service for pandemic preparedness, action steps in the event of an outbreak, surveillance and reporting.
Thank you for your attention to this information.
Jodi Moore
Leland CUSD #1