Let's give a huge Panther shout out to our Spring 2021 Outstanding Students-Ian Cameron (10th grade), Adrianna Rodriguez (8th grade), and Miles Torman (3rd grade). These three have worked hard to earn not only their nominations this year, but their selection to be our Outstanding Students! Commonly heard from staff members about all three is the desire to do well. Hard work, participation, leadership, organization, and being prepared are the exact qualities we look for in Outstanding Students. Something else common to these three that's been said by teachers and staff is that they ASK QUESTIONS if they don't understand something or if they want to know more, how amazing is that?! Congratulations Ian, Adrianna, and Miles, keep up the great work-you've earned those awesome smiles!! We're excited to see what you bring to next school year as leaders among your peers!!
Spring 2021 Outstanding Students
June 3, 2021