November 7, 2022
Dear Community Members, Leland School, along with area churches, community organizations, and businesses are teaming up to make sure all families in our area are able to enjoy the upcoming holiday season. Our goal is to be able to provide a Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season to everyone throughout the Leland community.
If your family could use a little assistance this year, and you’d like to be added to the Giving Tree, please fill out the linked Google Form no later than Wednesday, November 30th. Deliveries can be expected on December 19th. Please fill out the form once for every individual in your household that is in need of assistance.
If your family is not in need of assistance this year, please help spread the word to others you feel may need some help. One of the great things about being a part of a small town like Leland is that everyone is always willing to help those in need.
Chris Bickel, Principal